Osesam’s Investment Strategies adhere
to 3 Interrelated Values

We believe that major shifts are currently happening in the commercial and residential real estate markets and we lean into disruption:
- Anticipating urban changes and evolution of uses
- Building for tomorrow’s end users

Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility through development and operations
Our approach to environmental sustainability focuses on
- Emphasising renovation / brown field rather than greenfield
- Aiming at highest quality and ESG labels
- Targeting lowest energy consumption in use
- Behaving as an equal employer
- Collaborating with all stakeholders (municipalities, neighbourhood, communities, end-users)

Disciplined approach to where and how we invest
- Protect Investors’ capital through attractive going-in pricing (discount to replacement cost)
- Assess carefully the risk profile and value creation
- Conservative and rigorous underwriting
- Alignment of interests